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DRY bulk

Dry Bulk freight services cover all major trade routes with coaster, handysize, supramax, panamax and capesize vessels.

Allegro is experienced in a wide range of freight contracts, from spot chartering to contracts of affreightment and offering first class post fixture services to its clients including port operations and laytime settlements.


We work diligently  to provide support and information to our clients in their respective regional markets around the world.


  •  West and East Mediterranean to West Africa.

  •  All Turkish import & export destinations worldwide. 

  •  West and East Mediterranean to North and South Americas​.

  •  US Gulf to Mediterranean, Continent and India.

  •  Richards Bay to Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 

  •  South East Asia intra-regional shipments.

  •  Black Sea and Mediterranean intra-regional shipments.



Allegro Shipping is focused on serving the global transportation needs of customers in cement, energy, mining and steel industries.

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